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Resolution 17-xxx

Ms. Aderhold,

 I wish I was contacting you under happier circumstances, I am sure you already know what this letter is referencing.

I moved to Anchor Point in 1971, have two children born in state who both still live here, along with my Grandchildren, Brother, Mom, Sister, Nephews, Nieces, etc.  I have lived all over the state including Nome for my work. I am now back in Homer enjoying watching my Granddaughters grow up. They are right at that critical age, 11 and one soon to be 13, where we want to try and make sure that they are turning into productive, kind, helpful, honest and everything else we want for our kids.

The turn Homer has taken in the last year is surprising to me. Not the different views, we have always had that, but at the tone of the disagreements. Since the Presidents election it seems like the only side that seems to think they have any rights is the side that lost. So many of us are tired of being called racist, homophobic, etc. anytime you express a view that differs from theirs. There are organizations fueling this debate, and actually saying that they were formed to "create civil disobedience"...what? That sounds like trouble to me. Maybe its the term disobedience that as a parent, grandparent  bothers me so much. They don't go to talk or listen, they go to bully and shame. The very things we are trying to teach the kids not to do. I pray that it does not come to that here.

I really feel that this Resolution was made to cause trouble. It has changed several times but the first ones all had "sanctuary" city in them. Homer is not and never has been a hateful city. Everyone has always been welcomed here. This topic has started to turn neighbors against each other and is creating the atmosphere of hate that the "pro" side says is what they want to end. How can you end something that never was?

I will be at the meeting when this comes up. I would hope that maybe it could be stopped before it goes any further. I feel that this is a waste of council time, time that should be used for our homeless issue, alcohol problems, the increasing drug and crime. The problems Homer really does have.

Thank You
Pamela hall
PO Box 3446
Homer AK

These emails are public records obtained by the Homer News. Actual email addresses have been obscured.