Hello, I have received your comments on Resolution 17-019. Although your email missed the council packet deadline (Wednesday), it will still be included in the supplemental packet
that publishes and prints on Monday, February 27th. The council packet, including Resolution 17-019 is published on our website. You may access it at:
http://www.cityofhomer-ak.gov/citycouncil/city-council-regular-meeting-150 Thank you, Jo Johnson, MMC City Clerk City of Homer 491 E. Pioneer Avenue Homer, Alaska 99603 907.235.3130 PUBLIC RECORDS LAW DISCLOSURE:
Most e-mails from or to this address will be available for public inspection under Alaska public records law. From: Christi Brand [mailto:aksunshinelover@xxxxxxxxx]
DEAR HOMER COUNCIL MEMBERS: The majority of Homer folks voted Donald Trump. They did so because they do NOT want a sanctuary city or anything
that resembles it here. We want our country and our cities to be safe to live in, not opened up to criminals, which illegal immigrants are. The people of Homer are no worse or better than they have always been due to the election results, and this resolution
isn’t going to change any of them. It is a total waste of time, effort, money, and paper, and I sincerely hope that you will vote NO on passing it. This resolution has done more to divide the people of Homer than anything I’ve ever seen. That alone should give
you pause when considering this resolution. Homer is already a pretty tolerant, inclusive, kind, giving community, and the residents don’t take kindly to being told how to behave. There is no need for this! The city has no right putting up their political views one way or the other. It is not the city’s place to do
so. Our town is now getting negative backlash from all over the state and nationally for this resolution. The introduction of this resolution has not only divide its people but has potentially now cost local businesses income in the form of tourists boycotting
our town. Instead of focusing on this kind of anti-Trump, delegitimizing rhetoric that is clearly the basis for this resolution, may I suggest instead
that you all spend some time working on advancing the plight of the people who live here already. We have a homeless problem. The City of Homer has been our biggest road block in finding a solution. We have a drug problem. I have yet to see that being addressed,
and instead, I see things like ‘free needles’ being made available. We have a money problem - or rather, a lack of money, and yet the City of Homer has time and money to build gates and fences to keep people off the beach, who are attempting to survive the
winter here, by burning coal as a source of ‘free’ heat.
Bottom line, we don’t want or need this resolution!