Hello, I have received your comments on Resolution 17-019. They will be provided to the Mayor and Council prior to tonight’s council meeting. Thank you, Jo Johnson, MMC City Clerk City of Homer 491 E. Pioneer Avenue Homer, Alaska 99603 907.235.3130 PUBLIC RECORDS LAW DISCLOSURE:
Most e-mails from or to this address will be available for public inspection under Alaska public records law. From: Maureen Sullivan [mailto:gogoshire@xxxxxxxxx]
I'm away on vacation so I can't be at tonight's meeting, but I wanted to email in my support for the resolution. It's important that we stand strong as a city that is inclusive of all! I've seen a lot on social media from the opposition, saying that this resolution is filled with hate, and that it's intolerant of our president, and that being "intolerant of intolerance" is ridiculous. That's not what this resolution
is about. The resolution is about showing compassion for all human diversity. Thank you, Maureen Sullivan PO Box 995 (67120 Bluff Rd) Homer, AK 99603